Tax Services
Tax forms an integral part of the corporate environment irrespective of whether you are a sole trader individual or a large, medium or small sized company.
It is therefore vital for businesses to align their tax strategies with their overall business needs, while meeting their compliance obligations whenever they arise. Our Firm is able to help you structure your business in a tax-efficient manner, both locally and globally.
We advise clients on effective corporate tax planning in order to reduce their tax liability in ways that are effective and practicable. Some of the tools used in this respect are:
- Establishing group structures
- Examining the possibility of utilizing tax allowances or incentives
- Reviewing existing double tax treaties and appropriate agreements
- Examine the need to prepare and have in place a Transfer Pricing Study, in accordance to Cyprus tax laws, in case intra group transaction exist
Foreign executives and resident staff of international clients based in Cyprus also need to file tax returns. They may also be entitled to generous tax incentives (up to 50% tax exemption). We therefore offer personal tax planning services, prepare and file the required tax returns to the Cyprus tax authorities in order to ensure that both our clients’ companies and their staff are fully compliant with Cyprus tax laws.
Through our associated team of lawyers we provide a range of legal services including legal compliance, drafting of agreements, obtaining licenses, registration of foreign legal entities and local companies and representation of clients in court on tax related matters.