Who we are
Our Mission
Dimension Eleven Financial Consultancy Ltd is a dynamic independent Firm, member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Cyprus (ICPAC).
Our mission and core values include:
- Building personal relationships with our clients
- Establishing mutual Trust and Respect
- Understanding and satisfying client needs and requirements
- Tackling client problems efficiently and effectively
- Providing added value to client expectations
- Deliver high quality services at reasonable prices
- Investing in our people as a means of enhancing the quality of our services.
Our People and Associates
People + Client base = Company’s real value
The skills and talent of the people working in our company are evident of the high-quality service provided. Together with our clients whom they service they define the real value of a company, irrespective of business sector.
Our team of people and carefully selected associates is what makes Trust and Respect between us and our clients possible, through the provision of high quality and prompt service. Hence, through investment in our people, we actually invest in improving our services and our relationship with our clients.